Mack Land LLC - New Evergreen Shrubs for 2019

New Evergreen Shrubs for 2019

Evergreen shrubs provide all season interest.  Below are some new introductions for 2019 from Proven Winners.

Pinpoint Blue False Cypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana)

Naturally growing as a narrow column, it’s unique blue color and soft, feathery texture make it a fantastic accent plant.  Reaching heights between 15-20’ and 5-6’ wide, it rarely needs pruning.  This deer resistant plant can be grown in part sun to full sun but does need great drainage.  Do not plant in low-laying areas.







Strongbox Inkberry Holly (Itex glabra)

This is a great alternative to boxwood.  Growing in a broadly rounded mound (24-36” tall and wide), it can be planted anywhere you would use boxwood – hedge, edging, or specimen.  Deer resistant, it grows faster than boxwood has better resistant to disease.







Sunjoy Todo Barberry (Berberis x ‘NCBX1’ USPP 29,504)

Semi-evergreen, this sterile barberry (it’s not invasive!) brings a pop of color to the landscape.  Deep, glossy purple foliage covers this 18-24” tall and wide shrub that thrives in the sun.  Highly deer resistant, this shrub requires no pruning to maintain its neat shape.






Ready to update your landscape?  Our Landscape Architects can help you make that happen.

With locations in both Chicago and Denver we are always ready to hear from you.

Interested in any of our services?

Golden: 303.501-0828
Denver: 303.335-0850

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