Mack Land LLC - Ornamental Trees

Ornamental Trees

Ornamental trees are grown for their flowers, foliage, attractive bark or fruits. Ornamental trees are usually woody perennial plants having distinct trunk and crown at the top.

Ornamental or landscape trees are often planted to improve the aesthetics of your property or to improve environmental conditions such as shading a sunny area, providing a wind-break, etc. Because trees are long-term investments, it is important to select trees that are suitable to the climate, soil type, site, and light/wind conditions of the planting location. Initial placement, planting method, and ongoing care can all influence the health and longevity of the tree.

Nicely summarized by the folks at The Barn Nursery

“Ornamental trees add an interesting focal point to any landscaping.

One common focal point is an ornamental or flowering tree. These focal point trees are typically smaller than standard shade trees and boasting annual flowers or colorful leaves that draw the eye and brighten the landscape.

Most ornamental trees grow only to about 25 feet so they provide little shade. Their main purpose is to add color and accent. There are many beautiful ornamental trees that are very hardy in Northern Illinois: flowering crabapple, flowering dogwood, tri-colored beeches and Canadian red cherry, flowering plum, flowering pear, hawthorne and magnolias to name a few.”

Tree Selection

Choose the species of tree to be planted according to the available space. Larger trees are often more expensive and you may be able to plant smaller. Seedling trees have the greatest success when replanted and grown in containers for at least one year. One-gallon trees are successful in protected areas such as private yards. Five-gallon trees and larger should be planted in public areas where there is potential for dogs, cats, and kids to damage smaller trees.
Select trees that are known to perform well in your local area. Consider the elevation, water requirements, tolerance for alkaline soil, cold hardiness, etc.

Consider planting both evergreen and deciduous trees for year-round eye appeal. Many damaging insects are specific to one tree species. Planting a variety of species will help ensure minimal impact to your landscape.

Some of the more well known species are as follows:-

Star Magnolia
Japanese Tree Lilac
Eastern Redbud
Jack Dwarf Flowering Pear
Cornus Mas
Kousa Dogwood
Japanese Maple

And if you’re feeling a bit more adventurous here are a few of the more unusual deciduous ornamental trees that will make you the envy of your neighbors:-

Japanese Stewartia
Persian Parrotia
Katsura Tree

It’s always a good idea to chat to folks like Fiore or The Tree Farm who will be able to help you decide on the right trees for the area that you have in mind.

We have removed swimming pools for some clients who have made use of our landscaping services where ornamental trees have been one of the solutions we proposed to make best use of the resulting space.

We have offices in both the Chicago and Denver areas. Contact us to help you with your ornamental tree requirements which as mentioned in the article may differ depending on your location.


Interested in any of our services?

Golden: 303.501-0828
Denver: 303.335-0850

Contact us today 

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