Winterize your Pool
What steps should be followed to winterize your pool?
We have published many articles about pool liability, the real estate value of removing your pool and pool removal in general.
There’s no doubt about it—summer’s coming to a close. If you live somewhere with cold winters (or just want to close your pool for the season) and are not quite ready to have your pool removed, you should be thinking about how to winterize your above ground pool.
When people talk about the approaching winter, the pool is not what they have in mind. But knowing how to prepare your pool for the winter is one of the smartest and most important things you can do. If you winterize your pool can save you some very costly repairs. Pool manufacturers won’t honor the warranty on a pool if the damage was due to failure to properly maintain the pool. So don’t waste any time — start winterizing your pool.
Some people do not realize how valuable their efforts now will be toward setting up a swimming pool for next year. Those people often end up with pools that are slimy and green when summer comes back around. Then, instead of cleaning it up, they are left with draining it and starting fresh. Do you really want to waste that much water if you don’t have to? Instead, why not simply learn how to winterize your above ground pool? It only takes a little effort and your swimming pool will be nearly ready for next year.
If you do your own pool maintenance then what follows here is an 11 point best practice check list for you to follow to correctly winterize your pool. If you use a pool maintenance service then make sure to have a discussion with them highlighting these 11 points.
1. Gather Your Pool Closing Supplies
2. Clean Your Pool One Last Time
3. Test and Tweak Your Water for Winter
4. Add Winterizing Chemicals
5. Clean and Plug Your Lines
6. Protect Your Skimmer
7. Winterize The Filter and Pump
8. Clean and Stash Your Accessories
9. Lower the Pool Water (If Necessary)
10. Install the Pool Pillow
11. Install the Pool Cover
For more details on all of these steps read this article by the folks at Swim University.
Of course if all of this is just too much to bear and you have already been thinking about having your pool removed then you’ve arrived at the right place.
If you live in the greater Denver or Chicago area then please contact us for a friendly chat and we will discuss your pool removal options.
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