Antioch, IL Pool Removal
This Antioch, IL pool removal came to us through homeowners that were starting their long-term process to sell their home. While the pool was functioning, the cost to maintain and keep it running were becoming more than they wanted to deal with.
While the back yard was large, the homeowner opted to keep the fence surrounding the pool in place. With the tighter work area, our compact excavator services were the right fit. This pool was a style that we typically see – concrete pool bottom with fiberglass sides. The concrete was broken down in to structural fill and the side were removed. While we were onsite, we also assisted the homeowner in removing some old stumps that were around the pool. This helped in providing a large lawn area for our clients and future homeowners to enjoy.
If you live in the greater Denver or Chicago areas, make sure to contact us for a free quote to remove your pool.
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