Mack Land LLC - Littleton, CO Liner Pool Removal

Littleton, CO Liner Pool Removal

Here is another Littleton, CO pool removal.  The homeowners came to the decision that they were not using the pool enough and wanted more usable backyard space.

This is another project where we did more than just remove the vinyl liner pool.  It is a perfect example of our Low Impact Pool Removal process.  All plastics and metals associated with the pool get hauled away and recycled.  All concrete associated with the pool is completely demolished.  It is processed into 8” fracture concrete gravel similar to PGE and used as fill. The pool area is restored to lawn. This method is lower impact and more cost effective because less has to be hauled in and out to fill in the pool.

With this Littleton, CO pool removal, we demolished the concrete walk around the pool.  We also removed a  concrete pad that did not serve a purpose for the homeowner.  All of the concrete was broken down and compacted in the bottom of the pool.  Homeowners are always given the option to have all portions of the pool hauled offsite even if leaving concrete onsite is accepted.

We also removed the failing timber retaining wall around their Colorado Blue Spruce.  The homeowners had a plan to create an outdoor seating area with a fire pit in this area.  We assisted the homeowners with starting the new seating area.  We met onsite at Santa Fe Sand & Gravel to hand pick several large granite boulders to reinforce the area where the timber wall had been.  The final seating area and new lawn area were completed by the homeowner.

If you live in the greater Denver or Chicago areas, make sure to contact us for a free quote to remove your pool.

Interested in any of our services?

Golden: 303.501-0828
Denver: 303.335-0850

Contact us today 

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