Arvada Pool Demolition and Removal

Swimming Pool Demolition and Removal Services

We at Mackland are the Arvada Pool Demolition specialists. Are you thinking about removing your inground swimming pool?

6 Reasons to remove your pool

We have built a successful business removing residential, commercial and municipal swimming pools based on our reputation and getting the job done right the first time. We were the first to provide professional pool removal services in the Denver Metro areas.  We respectfully work around your home and respect the trees and existing landscape.  We do our best to minimize the impact to your property.  

Arvada Pool Demolition

What makes us different is how we handle this process. We use low impact machinery that minimizes the damage to your property.  Part of our solution, is restoring the space where the pool once was.

The Real Estate Value of removing your pool

Before your Arvada Pool Demolition speak with a professional company that specializes in pool removals. Our family run business has the experience and knowledge to handle any pool removal issues you may have.

  • Be aware of referral/marketing services that are not referring the best contractors for the job.  The lowest bid is most likely not the best bid and you can’t always trust online reviews
  • The value of performance and experience is often overlooked.
  • One of the biggest differences in our services is that we are concerned about the impact to your property during the pool removal process. We use ground protection and specialized low ground pressure equipment.
Arvada Pool Demolition

If you are ready to find out more about removing your swimming pool, please do not hesitate to give us a call or fill our our form. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about pool removals or any of the other services that we offer. If you are located outside Arvada, please give us a call, we work the Front Range and Denver Metro areas as well.

No one removes more pools than MackLand.

Chicagoland and Denver Metro Indoor Pool Removals

The Best Indoor Swimming Pool Removal Contractor

Swimming Pool Demolition and Removal Services

MackLand continues to improve our operation with the latest equipment and processes available. When you are building over a pool, with the price of lumber and other materials today, failure is not an option.

We utilized remote control rock slinger trucks to place the material precisely, reducing labor and exposure to harmful dust and carbon monoxide. Making things heathier and safer for both us and our clients. When filling in an indoor pool, air quality is a concern. Below is a video of the rock slinger truck being backed up to the job by remote.

We consulted with a structural engineer for the best fill material to use to provide a structurally sound floor to support interior load bearing walls that are going to support a second floor. Aggregate with a rock slinger/conveyor truck was used to fill the pool. We were able to send it in through an opening, creating a ramp into the pool to bring the compaction equipment in. This moved the material in quickly, allowing us to focus on compaction. We watered the material in, adding the moisture content to aid in maximum compaction.

This indoor pool removal was more of an indoor room renovation. Filling in the pool was the first step for our clients. They are planning on renovating this space into living area for their kids. After the concrete floor is in place, our client can move on to the next phase of converting this room it a space for their kids.

If you live in the Denver Metro Area or in Chicagoland and you are ready to find out more about removing your swimming pool, please do not hesitate to give us a call or fill our our form. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about pool removals or any of the other services that we offer.

No one removes more pools than MackLand.

Spotlight Lyman Whitaker

Art in the garden is a great investment. It is often underestimated the value and character art adds to the landscape. Gardens and art go together like peanut butter and jelly.

After a pool removal we often get asked to replace the pool as a focal point.  If you are looking for low maintenance and low energy consumption, consider adding a sculpture piece.  Garden artwork from a well know artist is a better investment than a swimming pool from our perspective.  A great example of art that can give you something unique that no one else has are these wind sculptures by Lyman Whitaker.  This is an example kinetic art (art that depends on motion for its effects) by a well know artist whose work will hold its value.

Let MackLand, LLC help you find the signature piece for your landscape.  Contact us to discuss your options.

Aurora, Colorado Fiberglass Shell Pool Removal

Fiberglass Shell Pool Removal

After recently purchasing and moving in, our client in Aurora, Colorado contacted us about removing the failing pool that dominated her backyard.

This fiberglass shell pool had seen better days.  With the freeze/thaw that winters in Colorado bring us and the close proximity of a mature pine tree and its roots, the pool had lifted and shifted.  The previous owners had addressed the issue with Great Stuff foam.

The back yard was a very tight area to work in.  That’s where our specialty with working with compact excavators really comes into play.

After removing the fiberglass shell entirely and disposing of it offsite, we broke up the surrounding concrete patio that covered the rest of the back yard.

We brought in clean compactable fill material and brought the back yard to grade.  Our client opted to have us stop at this point.  She wanted to get a feel for the backyard and determine what she wanted to do next.  Lawn, extend the patio, planting beds?  With the pool removed, her backyard looked as though it had doubled in size.

If you’re in the greater Denver or Chicago areas please contact us to discuss your pool removal options.

America’s #1 Source for Pool Removals

Denver, Colorado Pool Removal

Fiberglass Shell Pool Removal

After starting one pool removal in Denver, Colorado, the neighbors next door were curious as to what we were doing.  Once they learned we were removing the pool and how we have streamlined the process, they signed up to have their pool removed as well.

Their pool was a fiberglass shell pool that the homeowner and his father had installed many years ago.  The family had enjoyed the pool for many years but it had not been used recently.  They had been unsure of what to with the pool and the backyard in general and it was perfect timing that we were working right next door.

As with all fiberglass shell pools, we removed the pool entirely and hauled it offsite.  We broke up the concrete walk around the pool and used it as structural fill in the bottom.  Clean, compactable  fill material was brought in.  We brought the area to grade and the homeowner is planning on sodding the area.  The backyard doubled in size for usable space, their dog will love the extra room to run.

If you live in the greater Denver or Chicago areas please do not hesitate to give us a call about swimming pool removal or any of the other services that we offer. Also make sure to visit our experience page to see some of our previous pool removal work.

No one removes more pools than Mack Land.

Pool Removals: Why removing your pool can add value to your property.

Real Estate Pool Removals: Tip #3

It’s come time to sell your house.  There is lots of activity but no offers.  You keep hearing the same thing; “We love the house, hate the pool”.  Perhaps it is time to consider removing the pool.  Below are a few reasons why removing your pool may be the right move.

Increase Real Estate Value

  • Removing the pool will allow you to gain a bigger yard with more usable space and a more marketable space for realtors to sell.
  • Houses without pools appeal to a broader market.
  • Houses being sold “as is” with a pool in disrepair will decrease the value of the home more than it will cost to remove it and may decrease surrounding property values.
  • The cost of removing a pool in disrepair will be significantly offset by the value it adds to the property and it will make the property easier to sell.

Mack Land, Pool Removals

Save Money

What if you aren’t in the market to sell your home?  Or did you just purchase a home with a pool you don’t want?  Removing the pool can still add value to your property and save you money.

  • Property Tax Reduction – Pool are considered usable space are you are taxed on it.
  • Reduce your Home Owners Insurance Premium – Pools are a safety liability.
  • Lower your monthly utility costs, energy costs are constantly rising, your pool will only become more expensive.
  • Water costs are rising.
  • Repairing an old pool will cost a lot more than it will be to remove a pool over the long run.  Many areas will require you to bring your old pool up to current code and can be quite costly.

If you’re in the greater Chicago or Denver areas please contact us to discuss your pool removal options.

America’s #1 Source for Pool Removals

Pool Removals: We specialize in using compact equipment.

Real Estate Pool Removals: Tip #2

You know the saying: “bigger is better”.  We have found that is not the case with heavy machinery and with pool removals.  In many locations, there is limited access to the back yard to remove the pool.  Tight side yards, trees, retaining walls or utilities can limit access.  We use ground protection to protect sensitive underground utilities that may not be easily located.  This is more common in tighter communities.  The most concerning are clay pipes and corrugated drainage tiles.  Here at MackLand, we specialize in getting into those hard to reach backyards.

Completing projects safely and efficiently is our number one priority. 

One way we accomplish that with our pool removals is to use a compact mini excavator.  The biggest benefit of using a mini excavator, is that it brings a lot of power to a small space. With projects that don’t provide much room for large equipment, a mini excavator may be able to handle with ease. They have a small footprint but are very powerful and can manage even tough tasks.

With their small footprint and rubberized tracks, we can reduce the impact to the surrounding area and keep the work zone contained.  A rubber-tracked compact excavator can move over pavement without harming it. A compact excavator’s low ground pressure also minimizes damage to turf.  An additional feature, the machine’s 360-degree turning, offset digging and reduced tail swing, allow compact excavators to work productively in spaces where a full-sized excavator could not move.

Using large machines can cause more damage to the property that just removing the pool.  Their steel tracks can damage roadways and driveways and tear up turf.  The vibrations and excessive force can damage foundations and crack masonry.  Clean air matters.  Older, larger machines put out sooty diesel fumes that are not healthy for you or your family and neighbors to be breathing.  Older machines also tend to leak oil…on your lawn, driveway, sidewalk…

Mack Land Pool Removals Mini Excavator Tight Access

How we get it done.

After navigating our mini excavator into the backyard pool area, we get to work. Depending on the pool type, the machine either removes the fiberglass shell from the pool or begins breaking up the concrete pool bottom.  If the pool had steel or fiberglass walls, the mini excavator pulls them out to be hauled offsite.  Any concrete walls or walks are broken up with the machine as well.  Fill material is shuttled back to the hole with our other compact, lightweight machine, our track loader.  The mini excavator assists in spreading out and compacting the fill material brought in by the track loader.

If you’re in the greater Chicago or Denver areas please contact us to discuss your pool removal options.

America’s #1 Source for Pool Removals

Denver Metro Area Pool Removals

We recently had a client who was looking for a reputable Denver Metro pool removal company. They were quite thorough in their approach and did a lot of research. Here are some of the questions that they asked us along with our responses.

Do you have any examples of other Denver Metro area pool removal jobs?

We have been in the pool removal business for many years, have removed 100’s of pools and have many satisfied customers. Take a look at just a few of these here.

Littleton, CO

Centennial, CO

Golden, CO

Lakewood, CO

What methods do you use?

We have continually refined our processes in order to do the job as quickly and efficiently as possibly. Long gone are the days of the wrecking ball. We are able to minimize collateral damage by using new and improved low impact techniques.  Our main tool to achieve this is the compact excavator.  Additionally we are a complete turnkey solution company with licensed Landscape Architects, allowing us to not only manage your Denver Metro area pool removal but also to leave you with a beautifully landscaped backyard afterwards.

How environmentally conscious are you?

Where possible all the concrete associated with the pool removal is completely demolished and processed into 8” fracture concrete gravel similar to PGE and used as fill in the resultant hole.  Because we process the concrete associated with the pool into fill material, also called our low impact method, it reduces heavy truck loads of concrete out and then heavy truck loads of fill back in reducing trauma to your property and public roads.

We also recycle all the pool heaters plus whatever other material is recyclable.

As you can see there is a lot to consider before choosing your Denver Metro area pool removal contractor. Get the facts, make an informed decision and be happy with the outcome.

Still not sure? Contact us for a free consultation.

Arvada, Colorado Pool Removal

MackLand, LLC receives numerous calls about removing pools in Arvada, CO every year.  This in-ground pool dominated the backyard at this house.  Also, it had not been used in years and had fallen into disrepair.

Mack Land, LLC

The family was unsure if they were going to do, put the house up for rent or for sale.  However, they knew the pool needed to be removed to make the house more appealing to a broader market.  As the backyard and pool area was a tight space to maneuver in, our use of compact equipment really shone here.  It is what makes our process of removing pools stand out from the rest.

Mack Land, LLC

This pool was a liner pool with a sand bottom.  This is a common pool style we see in Colorado.  We removed the concrete walk around the pool and old concrete stairs under the deck.  The area was brought to rough grade, leaving the family with options on how they wanted to finish off the space.

Mack Land, LLC

We have been removing pools for many years and are experts in the field. If you live in the greater Chicago or Denver areas, please do not hesitate to contact us for a free consultation.